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About Jennifer

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So far Jennifer has created 171 blog entries.

How is pet ageing playing a role in a pet owner’s decision making?


It is clear to see that across the globe, we love our dogs, with 95% of pet owners considering their pets as part of the family. This percentage is even higher at 99% for households without children. However, as [...]

How is pet ageing playing a role in a pet owner’s decision making?2021-08-29T10:48:48+00:00

Have You Got Cat? Here’s Our Focus on Felines: The Latest Trends for Your Purr-usal :-D


The UK has always been a lover of animals. In 2021, a staggering 59% of adults owned a pet, with cats making up for 27% of that figure. According to the PFMA, it is estimated there are 12.2 million [...]

Have You Got Cat? Here’s Our Focus on Felines: The Latest Trends for Your Purr-usal :-D2021-07-19T11:04:25+00:00
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