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About Jennifer

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So far Jennifer has created 171 blog entries.

Which diet would be most suitable for a dog with sensitive digestion?


Many things can cause a dog to have digestive trouble, including sensitivities to ingredients in the diet. The most common ingredients to cause intolerances are wheat, soya and dairy, so feeding a diet avoiding these ingredients would be recommended. [...]

Which diet would be most suitable for a dog with sensitive digestion?2021-04-24T10:31:47+00:00

Why is your Grain Free better than the rest?


Grain Free recipes are ideal for dogs with sensitivity or intolerance to grains or gluten; a great alternative to rice or cereal based recipes. Pet Food formulated without grains may help to alleviate common symptons of grain sensitivity or [...]

Why is your Grain Free better than the rest?2021-04-24T10:18:12+00:00
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