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About Jennifer

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So far Jennifer has created 171 blog entries.

Why are pet food back labels important?


The prime purpose of pet food labels is to provide clear, accurate and honest information about a product that may facilitate the buying act of the purchaser. Back of pack information usually contains much of the information required by [...]

Why are pet food back labels important?2022-08-12T12:05:39+00:00

What is Grain Free Pet Food?


A common issue for dog owners is whether they should feed their pet grain pet food or grain-free pet food. With a wide variety of pet foods available on the market, it can be quite a tough decision. This article will focus [...]

What is Grain Free Pet Food?2022-05-27T18:49:56+00:00

Hypoallergenic Pet Food – Separating the Facts from the Hype


What is a food allergy in dogs and cats? Dogs and cats may display adverse reactions to food that can be broadly divided into two groups – immunological (food allergy) and non-immunological. A food allergy is an inappropriate immune [...]

Hypoallergenic Pet Food – Separating the Facts from the Hype2022-05-25T10:50:28+00:00
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