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Dog Nutrition

Explore the essentials of dog nutrition with our comprehensive guides, expert tips, and product reviews. Learn about balanced diets, dietary requirements, and the importance of quality ingredients for your canine companion’s health and well-being. Whether you’re navigating food choices, understanding dietary restrictions, or seeking advice on supplements, our dog nutrition category provides valuable insights to help you make informed decisions and keep your furry friend happy and healthy.

How is dry pet food made?


Have you ever wondered how dry pet food is made? Pet owners see the finished kibble as they open the packaging for their dogs and cats. However, there is a rigorous process to ensure that the kibbles are highly [...]

How is dry pet food made?2022-01-24T21:33:59+00:00

How to choose good dog food


Complete and Balanced Dog Food Being complete and balanced means the dog food provides the pet with the correct amounts of every single nutrient that they need with every meal. This type of food is designed to be fed [...]

How to choose good dog food2022-01-23T17:06:00+00:00

Obesity in Pets: A Growing Concern


Obesity is defined as excessive fat accumulation that presents a health risk and pet obesity is now officially recognised as a disease by many pet health organisations. A survey amongst veterinary professionals confirmed that 51% of dogs and 44% [...]

Obesity in Pets: A Growing Concern2022-01-18T14:34:05+00:00
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