Here at Paws Pet Food we are often asked why Freshtrusion™ makes our products more tasty, digestible and enjoyable for your pet.

At Paws Pet Food, we believe your pets you feed deserve the best… that is why we developed Freshtrusion™ Technology. There are various benefits of Freshtrusion™ Technology which we have listed below…

Benefits of Freshtrusion™

  • Higher nutrient bio-availability
  • Higher digestibility
  • Protected protein
  • Improved sensory acceptance
  • Reduced levels of spoilage & micro organism bio-markers that are associated with off flavours, rancidity or even toxicity.
  • Better health and well-being through superior quality and nutrition
  • Better density of kibble
  • Slow and gentle, low temperature cooking process providing a fuller flavour

Over the next few weeks we will be providing various articles surrounding our Freshtrusion™ processes from raw materials through to the end product. We will also be sharing the benefits of these processes.

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