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grain free superfood

Why is our Superfood 65 dog food kibble triangular in shape?


The triangle kibble was chosen to represent the nutrient pyramid, which are the foundations for a complete and balanced diet. What makes up the nutrient pyramid? Water This is essential for a dog’s daily requirements and overall nutrition. The [...]

Why is our Superfood 65 dog food kibble triangular in shape?2021-11-21T19:44:36+00:00

Why are vegetable ingredients important in pet food?


A long and healthy lifestyle is what pet owners try to accomplish for their pets. A well-balanced and high quality nutritious diet with health benefits is a key factor in achieving this.  Vitamins and Minerals Vegetable ingredients are a [...]

Why are vegetable ingredients important in pet food?2021-03-22T13:49:39+00:00
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